Homecoming week 2021 was nothing short of awesome! Staff and students alike were excited to partake in fun activities the Student Council had planned for the week.
Activities included:
Movie on Football Field, Royalty coronation, dress up days, powderpuff football game, boys volleyball games, scavenger hunts and trivia. All of these events culminated on Friday afternoon where the entire community was invited to the Homecoming parade and pep fest to cheer on our team
At Coronation on Monday (10/4) Ben Hoernemann and Paige Lueck we crowned 2021-2022 Homecoming King and Queen
The Junior Class Won the powderpuff game
The Junior Class won the Boys Volleyball Game
Photos from dress up days:
Dynamic Duo Day
Hawiian Day
Country vs. Country Club
Red Carpet Day
Raider Pride Day