hall of fame

Class of 2023 Hall of Fame:

Most Likely to Trip at Graduation:

Kaley Schmidt & JP Paumen

Most Likely to be Friends Forever (boys):

Tanner Neubarth & Bennet Molva

Most Likely to be Friends Forever (girls):

Norah Erickson & Laya Hallquist

Most Likely to be Affected by Senioritis:

Ben Kamps & Kayla Mesenbring

Lease Likely to be Affected by Senioritis:

Emily Noeldner & Nolan Glander

Class Clown:

Emma Dose & Bennet Molva

Best Laugh:

McKenzie Conlin & Aaron Druley

Most Likely to Never Leave:

Jessica Tober & Devin Zellmann

Most Likely to Win Olympic Gold:

Kassi Herrmann & Jake Druley

Most Quotable:

Hunter Neubarth & Kate Woizeschke

Most Likely to Break into Song & Dance:

Madelyn Gamber & Tanner Neubarth

Most Likely to Brighten Someone's Day:

Joey Molnau & Samantha Krohn

Most Likely to Travel the World:

Elizabeth Neubarth & Alexander Romero

Most School Spirit:

Kourtney Harms & Noah Strickfaden

Worst Driver:

Emma Conser & Jack Stewart

Best Style:

Kora Gruenhagen & Gavin Sudheimer

Most Likely to Become President:

Nathan Panning & Josie Beneke

Most Artistic:

Grace Dose & Shane Berge